Emily Lai

With a prosperous career, a loving marriage and a close-knit family, Emily Lai was living a full and fulfilling life, and thought she had everything she needed. Little did she know that God had His own plans for her and was preparing her for His work and service in the latter half of her life.

[Published online 16 July 2024]

God used the four-decade long season of waiting to equip and build up Loh Hoe Peng for the missions field, as He led him on a journey of obedience, learning, listening and watching. Hoe Peng said: “This journey changed my life from church building in Singapore to church planting in Bolivia, and from armchair missions to actually being in the mission field."

[Published online 16 July 2024]

Pastor Mike’s pastoral career has been shaped by his ‘training’ in the business world and being involved in church ministries as a young Christian. Later on, Pastor Mike also had opportunities to hone both language and pastoral skills during his postings to different churches, to prepare him for the vocation that God had set him apart for.

[Published online 11 Jun 2024]

Tony Ting’s career spans close to five decades. The last 24 years were spent as a church counsellor at Wesley Methodist Church (WMC), before he retired in 2023. It was here at WMC that God used Tony mightily in building up Wesley Counselling Services, one of the most established and sought-after faith-based counselling agencies in Singapore.

[Published online 11 Jun 2024]

Email us: oshg2@wesleymc.org

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